Hema: Balancing Health and Family

Today I want to introduce you to one of the most focused, dedicated and nicest ladies I know.  I met Hema back in 2015 when she started attending Boot Camp at lunch time.  Not long after she started she learned she was expecting her second child and had to take a break.  Since the arrival of her beautiful baby boy she has shown everyone what you can do post-pregnancy dropping weight, inches and getting stronger than ever.  This is Hema’s fitness story!

How long have you been exercising consistently?

I have been exercising for a little over a year.

What influenced your decision to get dedicated and be consistently active?

I feel so much better when I exercise!

How much weight/inches/jean sizes have you lost?  Or/and how much stronger are you?

I have lost over 20 pounds and 15 inches overall, down three jean sizes since I started!

What all do you do to stay active?

I committed to boot camp at least four times a week, I jog two days a week and my kiddos and I  dance almost every night for at least 20 minutes!

What are some of your biggest barriers to staying active and how do you overcome those barriers?

Making the time is the most difficult for me.  I love getting it out of my way on my lunch hour so I do not take away from my family time before or after work.

Since becoming consistent with your exercise, what’s the biggest change you see in yourself physically and mentally?

The biggest change that I have noticed is my energy level, I feel so much better and I can work through a day without falling asleep, physically I notice clothing sizes shrinking.

How would you classify your current eating habits?

My eating habits are good for the most part.

Do you have a specific diet/eating strategy that you follow?

I have cut back on my portion sizes drastically and cut back on processed foods and carbs.

Do you have a favorite go to healthy meal or food?

Zucchini lasagna is one of my new favorite dishes.

Do you have advice for someone contemplating starting a fitness/weight loss journey or advice for someone struggling to stay motivated?

Start with an accountability partner! Usually having someone to motivate you and hold you accountable helps initially until you build a new routine for yourself.  Once you get hooked you will be good to go!

I want to thank Hema for sharing her story.  I always like to highlight a couple of take aways from every person story and Hema’s is no different.  Number one, Hema uses her lunch break to work out so it doesn’t take away from her family time in the evening.  Staying fit and healthy is important and you must find the right balance with staying fit and family time.  Hema’s found that balance.  Number two, working out and eating right helps maintain her energy level so she can power through her day.  Remember exercise + eating right = energy!  Number three, is a common theme with all of our fitness stories, having a friend or friends who work out with you helps maintain motivation and accountability.  A workout partner or partners is essential to success!  I’m glad to have Hema as a part of the lunchtime boot camp crew and again thank you for sharing your story!

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