Kelly: Stop Making Excuses and Just Do It!

Are people out there who will drag themselves out of bed at 5:30 in the morning to go to the gym and workout?  When I opened boot camp that was a question I had.  After two months the answer was YES!  The largest class of the day most days is the 5:30 class.  These people are some of the most disciplined people I know.  One of these folks is a fabulous lady named Kelly.  The first year I was open I could count on Kelly’s truck being in the parking lot waiting on my sleepy butt to open the door every morning.   As a result Kelly looks incredible and is super fit.  I asked Kelly if she would share her fitness story.

So Kelly how long have you been working out?

I’ve been working out for about 2 years.

What influenced your decision to start strength training and continue to be consistent?

I started gaining weight and running alone wasn’t helping.  I started going to boot camp and really enjoyed the people I met there.

What do you do to stay active?

I pretty much do boot camp.  However, I like running with my dogs when it’s nice outside.  We do long runs together.

What are some of the barriers you’ve encountered to staying active?

I don’t really don’t have any barriers because ultimately they are just excuses.  I don’t make excuses.  I recently switched jobs and I now miss boot camp on days I work 12 hour shifts.  However, on my days off I make up for it by doing multiple boot camp classes and running with my dogs.

How would you classify your eating habits?

My eating habits are good.

Tell us about your diet/eating strategy?

We my husband George and myself no longer eat fast food and very little bread.

Do you have a favorite go to meal?

I’ll try anything healthy.  I love cooking new things that benefit our health.  I really don’t have a favorite food or go to food.

Do you have advice for someone contemplating starting a fitness and weight loss journey or advice for someone struggling with motivation?

If you’re thinking about doing it, JUST DO IT!  Never quit and always remember why you started.  I’ve found it’s not that difficult to find someone to workout with, and working out with others helps with motivation.  Remember YOU ARE STRONG and capable of getting stronger every day.

I want to thank Kelly for sharing her story with us.  The things I take away from Kelly are three points.  Number one, discipline is the key to success and meeting goals.  Number two, there’s no such thing as a barrier only excuses.  Eliminate the excuses and you will reach your goals every time.  Number three, JUST DO IT!  Take action every day and work your plan.  If you don’t have a plan and goals, right now is the time to sit down and develop both.  Build your plan today and begin taking action!

Inspiring Others to Take The Challenge,

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