Brooke: My Wedding is Why I Started My Fitness Journey, Personal Growth is Why I Continue!


Brooke started her fitness/weight loss journey because she got engaged and wanted to look and feel great for her wedding day.  However, along the journey her perspective has changed and that’s what makes her story so amazing.

So Brooke, what motivated you to lose weight and get in shape?
What originally motivated me to want to lose weight was getting engaged. I knew I couldn’t look and feel like I did about myself on my wedding day. Now, what motivates me is how much better I feel about not only myself but my relationships with other people in my life. When I started getting healthy so did everything around me. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually I have grown and it is something I want for the rest of my life. It’s safe to say this journey is not about the dress anymore.

Will you share some of the things you do?
I am still on my journey of losing weight but I try to exercise 5-6 times during the week whether that is going to boot camp, running, or both. Also, finding fun things to do on the weekend like hiking help keep me active too. Eating good balanced meals, getting plenty of sleep at night, and keeping my stress at a minimum are all things I am continuing to do to lose weight.

When did you really start seeing results?  Was there something significant you did?
I really saw the most results in about 6 weeks; this was when I started taking my diet more seriously. I learned quickly that I couldn’t just exercise all I wanted and eat all that I wanted too. Jeff’s meal plan’s and smoothie recipes are what keep me in line but another thing I will say helps me is not being too strict on myself. For me, there has to be a little room for exceptions or I will feel like I am forcing myself to do something that I don’t want to do. It’s okay to have a piece of cake every now and again or to give yourself a day of relaxation. Little things like this are just as important and keep me going!

What are the big changes you made to your diet?
Cutting out late night snacking and taking on portion control have helped me tremendously. I stopped drinking sodas years ago and went to only water but I upped my water intake and it’s nothing for me to drink a full glass before a meal now. I like to let my fiancé, Kyle in on what I plan on eating. Telling him what’s for lunch today or dinner tomorrow somehow tricks my brain into thinking, “Okay this is what you have to eat!” It may sound silly but I don’t want to go back to him with the bad news of having pizza today instead of a salad that I told him about.

How important is diet to weight loss?
Diet is oh so important! Eat smart and you will be successful. I have days where I fall off track but you have to jump right back on, you can’t just unpack and stay there or you will end up right in the place you were when you started. Diet and exercise go hand and hand. I can tell such a difference when I am eating well because my workouts go good and I feel great. If I ate horrible I can literally feel myself dragging and not doing my very best. This alone makes me put my diet first because in the end I am only cheating myself.

Do you have any advice for people who are currently on a weight loss journey or those contemplating starting a journey?
The best advice I can give would be to find an accountability partner. I have gained so many friendships through this change in lifestyle but the most important is the friendship I have with Rachel. She is such an inspiration to me and keeps me on my feet at all times. Days that I don’t feel like going to the gym or on one of our runs I make the choice to go anyways because I wouldn’t want to put her out of a great workout. New achievements and goals that we reach encourage the other without even realizing it sometimes and that is something that I truly believe everyone needs.

Do you have anything to add that might help someone who’s struggling?
Stay with it! There will be days that you feel down or you feel like all of this is too much and too hard but we are harder on ourselves than anyone else. In 6 months all of those negative thoughts will go away and you will truly feel like a new person. I am just an average person who decided to make the best change for myself and for my life and so are you.

Thank you Brooke for sharing your story with all of us.  You are doing wonderful and I look forward to seeing pictures of you in your wedding dress soon.  You never know who you may have inspired to get up and make a change.  You are an inspiration.

Inspiring You To Accept the Challenge,

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